We guarantee your satisfaction.

For a full refund, you must return the items unopened and in their packaging originate within a period of 14 days from delivery. If the return is the result of our error, we will pay the shipping costs.

Enter Returns/RMA online and we will guide you through the process. If the product has not been returned in conditions, we reserve the right to refuse reimbursement. Upon receipt of an item returned under the required conditions, we will send a replacement product if it is requested or a full refund will be processed less shipping charges. You will receive the refund in an approximate period of four weeks. You will receive a notification via e-mail of your refund once we have received and processed the returned item.

Warehouse address

Diseño de producto técnico S.L.
Manuel Garcia Lago Nº5 – 1C

Contact email: support@magnussenaudio.com
Phone: 0034 650202912

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